Double Time Charters

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Double Time Charters specializes in fishing adventures at unbeatable rates out of Destin, the ‘World’s Luckiest Fishing Village.” With trips ranging from four to eight hours, you will surely find something that suits your specific needs.

Whether you want to stay nearshore or head to deeper waters offshore, Double Time Charters will get you to the hot bite. Long trip or short trip, Capt. Tim will work to get you on the fish. He will put his talent to work for you. No matter which trip you choose, he’ll try to customize it for you.

Double Time Charters will take you fishing for a variety of reef and pelagic species. Your potential catches will depend on the season, including but not limited to Almaco Jack, Amberjack, Jack Crevalle, Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Vermillion Snapper, Triggerfish, Sheepshead, Redfish, Grouper, Scamp, Black Seabass, Bank Seabass, Cobia, Tripletail… and the list just keeps going!

Take as many fish species off your personal bucket list as possible. Bottom fish for Snappers and other tasty fish, or troll for Mackerels, Bonito, and other fast species, or do a combo with both styles of fishing!

Double Time Charters will take you out aboard a 25’ World Cat power catamaran. This is a quiet and stable fishing machine with twin 150 HP Yamaha 4-stroke outboards. The boat is outfitted with navigational and fish finding electronics, as well as other professional accessories. There is a Cobia tower with full controls, an ice-box for the catch and a cooler for drinks, and a potty bucket for the lady anglers. All aboard!

The trips come with quality tackle, ice, fishing license, and fish cleaning and bagging. You will need to bring your own drinks, snacks, proper clothing, and a camera.

Trip availability and prices

  • Частный тур
    4 Hour Trip (AM)
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 3 дня до рыбалки
    4-часовая рыбалка, начало в 7:00 AM
    сезонный тур Aug 1 - May 31
    Цена за: до 4 человека
    US $950
    On this short charter, you'll be Gulf fishing close to shore for bottom fish such as Snapper and other reef fish, or troll for King Mackerel and other nearshore species. This is a great trip for families with kids, or beginners, especially for those who don't wish to keep fish, but want to have fun catching them!
  • Частный тур
    5 Hour Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 3 дня до рыбалки
    5-часовая рыбалка, начало в 6:00 AM
    Цена за: до 4 человека
    US $1,125
    This is your captain's most popular trip! On trips this length and longer, you'll target Red Snapper and other Snappers, as well as Triggerfish and even Groupers for bottom fishing. For trolling, you'll target the faster fish such as King Mackerel, Spanish Mackerel, Dolphin, and sometimes even catch Blackfin Tuna.
    Targeted fish
    Красный луциан (снэппер)
    Red Snapper
    Серый луциан
    Mangrove Snapper
    Лакедра (южноамериканская)
    Almaco Jack
    Испанская макрель
    Испанская макрель
    Спинорог (серый)
    Gray Triggerfish
    Крупноголовый луциан
    Vermilion Snapper
    Атлантическая скумбрия
    Atlantic Mackerel
  • Частный тур
    6 Hour Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 3 дня до рыбалки
    6-часовая рыбалка, начало в 6:00 AM
    Цена за: до 4 человека
    US $1,350
    This trip is ideal for those anglers who want a bit of everything! Try some bottom fishing or trolling, or just do both. Check the bite close to the shore, on the reefs, and drop-offs or get farther out for the deep fish.. Target Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Groupers and other reef fish. Troll for King Mackerel, Spanish, Bonito and even Mahi sometimes! Other types of fishing can sometimes be available depending on the season.
    Targeted fish
    Корифена (махи-махи)
    Корифена (махи-махи)
    Красный луциан (снэппер)
    Red Snapper
    Серый луциан
    Mangrove Snapper
    Шутовский групер
    Gag Grouper
    Красный групер
    Red Grouper
    Спинорог (серый)
    Gray Triggerfish
    Краснохвостый луциан
    Lane Snapper
  • Частный тур
    7 Hour Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 3 дня до рыбалки
    7-часовая рыбалка, начало в 6:00 AM
    Цена за: до 4 человека
    US $1,575
    This trip will see you testing your angling skills on the waters offshore of Destin. You can bottom fish or troll, or even do a combination of both. We usually travel farther offshore to target the deeper and larger fish. When bottom fishing you'll target Red Snapper, Mangrove Snapper, Groupers, and other reef fish, or you can troll for faster moving species such as King Mackerel, Spanish, Wahoo, Bonito, and even Mahi sometimes!
    Targeted fish
    Королевская макрель
    Королевская макрель
    Красный луциан (снэппер)
    Red Snapper
    Серый луциан
    Mangrove Snapper
    Шутовский групер
    Gag Grouper
    Красный групер
    Red Grouper
    Лакедра (южноамериканская)
    Almaco Jack
    Испанская макрель
    Испанская макрель
    Крупноголовый луциан
    Vermilion Snapper
    Морской лещ
    Морской лещ
    Атлантическая скумбрия
    Atlantic Mackerel
    Групер миктероперка
    Scamp Grouper
  • Частный тур
    8 Hour Trip
    БЕСПЛАТНАЯ отмена – за 3 дня до рыбалки
    8-часовая рыбалка, начало в 6:00 AM
    Цена за: до 4 человека
    US $1,800
    If you want the waters all to yourself, this is your trip. Bottom fish and troll for whatever is in the season. Target Snappers, Groupers, all other reef fish while bottom fishing, or troll for the pelagics such as Kingfish, Spanish, Wahoos, Bonitos, and even Mahi. On this adventure we typically travel farther offshore to fish deeper waters using bigger tackle in search of the sea monsters! Great trip for avid anglers.
    Targeted fish
    Корифена (махи-махи)
    Корифена (махи-махи)
    Красный луциан (снэппер)
    Red Snapper
    Ваху (колючая пеламида)
    Ваху (колючая пеламида)
    Серый луциан
    Mangrove Snapper
    Шутовский групер
    Gag Grouper
    Красный групер
    Red Grouper
    Спинорог (серый)
    Gray Triggerfish
    Тупорылая акула (акула-бык)
    Bull Shark
    Крупноголовый луциан
    Vermilion Snapper
    Морской лещ
    Морской лещ
    Групер миктероперка
    Scamp Grouper
4 человека сейчас просматривают

Customer reviews

Средняя оценка
4.9 / 5
из 5 на основе 92 отзывов
4.9 / 5
5.0 / 5
4.9 / 5
Фото и видео клиентов (149)
Our Trip with Double Time \/ Captain Tim
Ben. Fallon, John and Richard
Great trip
Рейтинг рыбака
Оценено рыбаками
Хороший опыт
Дружелюбный капитан
Рекомендует этот чартр
Подходит для детей
Доволен лодкой
Поймал то, что хотел
Сортировать по:
5 из 92 отзывов
Richard B.
4.7 / 5
Very good
4.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Our Trip with Double Time / Captain Tim

Подтвержденный   6 Hour Trip on Июль 30, 2024
We had a great time with Capt. Tim Adams.  He put us on fish immediately and kept us on fish.  He’s a consummate professional...
Richard B. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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  Tim Adams Капитан ответил

Charles C.
Mobile, Alabama
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Great Trip with Captain Tim

Подтвержденный   5 Hour Trip on Август 9, 2022
Captain Tim was very upfront with us when we had bad weather the day of our fishing charter. Not only did we have storms, but...
Charles C. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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Charles C. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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Todd L.
Lamont, Iowa
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Successful Trip!

Подтвержденный   5 Hour Trip on Июль 27, 2022
Captain Tim took our crew of 6 out for a 5 hour trip.  With live bait not being available to buy, our first task was to head...
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Todd L. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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Kiet V.
Richardson, TX
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Half Day Trip - Great Success

Подтвержденный   5 Hour Trip on Май 30, 2022
Most of the reviews you’ll read on here will become repetitive and exaggerated about successful hauls but let me tell you...
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Kiet V. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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Matt Y.
Zionsville, IN
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
5.0 / 5
В общем

Great trip

Подтвержденный   6 Hour Trip on Апрель 4, 2023
Awesome 6 hr trip in difficult conditions. Despite fog and rough seas we were able to catch near limits of Spanish mackerel...
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Matt Y. рекомендует Double Time Charters
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FAQ о Double Time Charters

Double Time Charters offers the following trips to customers:
  • US $950 за группу, additional US $100 per person after 4 гостя - 4 Hour Trip (AM) (4 часа)
  • US $1,125 за группу, additional US $100 per person after 4 гостя - 5 Hour Trip (5 часов)
  • US $1,350 за группу, additional US $100 per person after 4 гостя - 6 Hour Trip (6 часов)
  • US $1,575 за группу, additional US $100 per person after 4 гостя - 7 Hour Trip (7 часов)
  • US $1,800 за группу, additional US $100 per person after 4 гостя - 8 Hour Trip (8 часов)

When you book a trip with Double Time Charters, you can expect the following amenities onboard:
  • Туалет porta-potty bucket for the women
  • GPS Simrad and Lowrance backup
  • Рыболокатор Simrad NSE 12
  • Открытый мостик (флайбридж) Mostly used for sight fishing Cobia in the spring,
  • Бак для наживки
  • Холодильная камера Large fish box in stern
  • Гидролокатор
  • Радар Simrad4G

Trips booked with Double Time Charters include:
  • Удочка, катушка и снасти (All tackle included, please do not bring your own w)
  • Наживка (caught every morn, option to buy most days)
  • Приманка
  • Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе (boneless, skinless, unless specified otherwise)
  • Напитки (I have bottled water available, but most anglers b )
  • Лицензия на рыбалку (provided for all customers)

Double Time Charters offers the following types of fishing:
  • Рыбалка у береговой линии (Jetties, Bridges depending on time of year)
  • Прибрежная рыбалка (Near shore in the Gulf of Mexico)
  • Рыбалка в открытом море (Beyond 6 miles in the Gulf of Mexico)
  • Рифовая рыбалка (Natural reefs are plentiful in the Gulf)
  • Рыбалка у затонувших судов (Small and Large artificial reefs)

Double Time Charters offers the following fishing techniques:
  • Легкая снасть – рыбалка (spinning and conventional are usedackle may)
  • Тяжелая снасть (Used to target Amberjack and sharks)
  • Донная рыбалка (FEDERAL PERMITS, All species)
  • Троллинг (mostly Shimano)
  • Спинниг (Mostly Shimano)
  • Глубоководная рыбалка (Trolling or bottom )

Top targeted fish species with Double Time Charters include:
  • Амберджек
  • Бонито
  • Кобия
  • Корифена (махи-махи)
  • Групер миктероперка
  • Королевская макрель
  • Морской лещ
  • Кейпкодский карась
  • Серый луциан
  • Красный луциан (снэппер)
  • Крупноголовый луциан
  • Испанская макрель

Your captain

Tim Adams
Дестин, Флорида, Соединенные Штаты
Отчетов: 13
ID и лицензия подтверждены
92 Отзывы клиентов
Время ответа: в течение часа
На сайте с: Июнь 2015
Captain since 1986, I have been running SCUBA and fishing charters continuously since that time. I have been a Scuba diving instructor since 1985, I don't teach anymore, but still dive when I am not fishing! I absolutely love the marine life of the seas, I'm still fascinated by the diversity of it as well. My degree is in Biology so I naturally am drawn to the salt water and all its critters which reside and swim there.

The fish you can target

Амберджек Амберджек
Бонито Бонито
Кобия Кобия
Корифена (махи-махи) Корифена (махи-махи)

What is the boat like?

Boat Image
Boat category
6 persons
Boat length
25 ft
Year built
Boat manufacturer
World Cat
Boat type

Engine model
Yamaha F150
Powered by
2 x 150HP
Max cruising speed
20 knots

What kind of fishing will you do?

Рыбалка у береговой линии
Jetties, Bridges depending on time of year
Прибрежная рыбалка
Near shore in the Gulf of Mexico
Рыбалка в открытом море
Beyond 6 miles in the Gulf of Mexico
Рифовая рыбалка
Natural reefs are plentiful in the Gulf
Рыбалка у затонувших судов
Small and Large artificial reefs

Which fishing techniques will you try?

Легкая снасть – рыбалка
spinning and conventional are usedackle may
Тяжелая снасть
Used to target Amberjack and sharks
Донная рыбалка
mostly Shimano
Mostly Shimano
Глубоководная рыбалка
Trolling or bottom

Which amenities are available onboard

porta-potty bucket for the women
Simrad and Lowrance backup
Simrad NSE 12
Открытый мостик (флайбридж)
Mostly used for sight fishing Cobia in the spring,
Бак для наживки
Холодильная камера
Large fish box in stern

What’s included in the trip price

Удочка, катушка и снасти
All tackle included, please do not bring your own w
caught every morn, option to buy most days
Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
boneless, skinless, unless specified otherwise
I have bottled water available, but most anglers b
Лицензия на рыбалку
provided for all customers

How cancellations work

Бесплатная отмена бронирования до 3 дня до поездки

Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 3 дня до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.

What the listing policies are

Трансфер не включен
Transfer to/from departure site is not included in trip rates.
Доступно для детей
age 6 and under must have life jackets
Вы забираете улов
Includes cleaning and bagging
Разрешено поймать и отпустить

How you can pay

Бронируйте с депозитом 20%, оплатите остаток капитану

Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (20%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.

Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты:

При оплате оставшейся суммы кредитной картой, взимается 4% комиссия.

What’s biting in Дестин right now

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