Gulfstream IV Party Fishing Boat
Gulfstream IV Party Boat is the longest-running deep sea fishing charter in Key West, Florida. Since 1947, we have been making sure our customers are happy and well taken care of. We are not your typical party boat.
The local waters teem with stunning marine life, and the crew of Key West Party Boat Fishing Charter knows how to catch them all.
Enjoy your fishing trip aboard Gulfstream IV Party Boat, which is a spacious 60’ fishing machine, powered by twin Detroit 8v92 turbo engines and restored in 2018. The vessel is wheelchair-accessible and equipped with modern navigational electronics, which include a VHF radio, GPS, radar, and fishfinder 68//5. It is fully rigged to provide a comfortable fishing space for all the anglers and keep them comfortable between casts. Inside, the boat is air-conditioned, there are separate restrooms for men and women, and there is an ice-box to keep the catch fresh during the day. An anchoring system to fitted to keep the vessel rooted to the fishing grounds. The Gulfstream IV is inspected twice a year by the U.S.C.G.
Key West Fishing Charter will help you get the fish you want to put on your table. The crew will show you every step of the way since successful fishing starts with a knowledgeable team.
Whether it’s chasing Yellowtail Snapper when fishing over reefs, bottom fishing for Mutton and Mangrove Snapper, or fishing for Grouper and others – the crew knows all the best spots for the many different species that call the area home. On a day out aboard the Gulfstream IV Party boat, you will get an opportunity to discover some fine angling and have a memorable experience you won’t soon forget.
A trip aboard Gulfstream IV Party Boat comes inclusive with the fishing licenses, tackle, and bait. Fishing rods can be rented for $5.00. If you want, you can feel free to bring your own food and drinks with you on board. We only offer snacks and soda/water.
With such a friendly and professional crew, your hooks will always be baited.
Customer reviews
FAQ о Gulfstream IV Party Fishing Boat
- US $77 за человека - 5 PM Holiday Week Trip (4 часа)
- US $86 за человека - A Summer Night Fishing Trip (5 часов)
- US $87 за человека - 3/4 Day Trip - Adults (6 часов)
- US $87 за человека - 3/4 Day Trip - Adults (copy) (6 часов)
- US $2,000 за группу - Private Charter for 1-24 People (5 часов)
- US $2,200 за группу - Private Charter 25+ People (5 часов)
- Туалет Mens & Womens restrooms
- Рыболокатор
- Кухня Galley open for purchase of light snacks/drinks
- Холодильная камера
- Радар
- Первый помощник капитана (It is customary to tip the crew 15-20%. The mate should be there for you every step of the trip to answer questions and help in any way you need )
- Лицензия на рыбалку (Issued to the vessel)
- Рыбалка в открытом море (We travel 3-7 miles off the coast of Key West. )
- Рифовая рыбалка (We fish depths of 30-100 feet)
- Рыбалка у затонувших судов
- Легкая снасть – рыбалка (Spinning gear using 10lb-20lb test)
- Тяжелая снасть (conventional Okuma reels using 30lb test)
- Донная рыбалка (30-100 ft depth)
- Троллинг (Occasionally on the way out)
- Спинниг (light line for yellow tail snapper)
- Глубоководная рыбалка (Anything over your head is considered DEEP)
- Королевская макрель
- Чёрный групер
- Красный групер
- Серебряный ворчун (гуорака)
- Морской лещ
- Серый луциан
- Светлый луциан
- Желтохвостый луциан
- Испанская макрель
Your captain
Отчетов: 15 |
ID и лицензия подтверждены |
266 Отзывы клиентов |
Время ответа: 6 часов |
На сайте с: Февраль 2015 |

The fish you can target

What is the boat like?

What kind of fishing will you do?
Which fishing techniques will you try?
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 1 день до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
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