Fins and Feathers Outfitters
Invite the family for a fun day of fishing off the coast of New Jersey with Fin and Feathers Outfitters! Your captain will take you through the Intracoastal Waterway, Delaware Bay, and further out into the Ocean to give you an authentic Northeast fishing experience.
Your trip will take place on a 23’ Parker center console, equipped with top-of-the-line navigational equipment and safety gear. She also comes with removable outriggers and downriggers, a live bait tank, and state-of-the-art fishing tackle. Each trip accommodates up to 6 guests and children are welcome to join, however, you’ll typically stay more inshore on kids’ fishing trips.
You’ll be able to explore the Delaware Bay and target Flounder, Bluefish, Striped Bass, Black Drum, and many more. You can bottom fish, troll, drift, or challenge yourself to some fly fishing as well. Fly fishing trips are typically reserved for 2 people at a time and you’ll be provided with all the necessary equipment. You can also fish the Intracoastal Waterway and target other inshore species, such as Spotted Seatrout or go on an exciting crabbing adventure!
Nearshore waters produce many species that are fun to target, such as Bonito, False Albacore, Tautog, Sharks, and more. In the summer and fall months, you can head more offshore to troll or wreck and reef fish for a wider range of species, such as Mahi Mahi, Tuna, and Wahoo.
Whether you’re an avid angler or just want to enjoy the scenery and sit back and relax with the family, Fin and Feathers Outfitters have got you covered! Your fishing license is also included, so all you need to bring is food and drinks and get ready for an exciting journey!
Customer reviews
FAQ о Fins and Feathers Outfitters
- US $550 за группу - Half Day Trip inner coastal (AM) (4 часа)
- US $550 за группу - Half Day Trip inner coastal (PM) (4 часа)
- US $700 за группу - 5 Hour Trip – Reef Trips (5 часов)
- US $750 за группу - Half Day Trip – Black Drum (6 часов)
- US $750 за группу - Night Bite Black Drum (6 часов)
- US $875 за группу - Full Day Bottom Fishing Trip (8 часов)
- US $1,075 за группу - Full Day – Trolling Nearshore (8 часов)
- GPS Twin units
- Рыболокатор Twin Loran units
- Бак для наживки
- Аутригеры Removable
- Холодильная камера
- Удочка, катушка и снасти (Penn, Ugly Stik, & Daiwa )
- Наживка (If we fish for bait it is part of the time on the water. We charge by half day or full day trips. That is dock to dock time period. )
- Приманка
- Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе (Cleaning of fish is included in the price of the trip. No extra charge.)
- Лицензия на рыбалку (Our fishing license will cover all charter guest on the boat. No extra license needed as long as guest are on the boat. If the fish from a dock they will need a salt water license which is free on the nj fishing website. )
- Снаряжение для нахлыста
- Рыбалка у береговой линии
- Прибрежная рыбалка
- Рыбалка в открытом море (Up to 30 miles )
- Рифовая рыбалка
- Рыбалка у затонувших судов
- Рыбалка на мелководье
- Легкая снасть – рыбалка
- Тяжелая снасть
- Донная рыбалка
- Троллинг
- Спинниг
- Джиггинг
- Ужение на муху (нахлыст)
- Дрифтерная рыбалка
- Басс (полосатый)
- Луфарь
- Бонито
- Морская собака
- Корифена (махи-махи)
- Камбала
- Малый тунец (пятнистый)
- Чёрный морской окунь
- Лимонная акула
- Пятнистый горбыль
- Таутога
- Тунец (голубой)
- Ваху (колючая пеламида)
Your operator
Отчетов: 4 |
74 Отзывы клиентов |
Время ответа: 8 часов |
На сайте с: Апрель 2019 |
The fish you can target
What the boat is like
Which types of fishing are offered
Which fishing techniques you can try
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 7 дней до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (15%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.
Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты: