Fantasy Ocean Adventures
If you are looking for the ultimate trip, offering the best flexibility, and chance to customize what you do on the trip, then you need to book a trip with Fantasy Ocean Adventure today. Captain Zack Franks has been in the business for nearly 3 decades – whether you are looking to go trolling, reef fishing, flounder gigging, spearfishing, snorkeling, or cruising, he can make a perfect day for you.
Hop on board his 22’ wide open Key West bay boat. Capt. Zack is happy to cruise at speeds you’re comfortable with, or at 38 knots, so you can easily get to the best fishing grounds fast and efficiently. Four anglers can fish comfortably, except for spearfishing, where only 2 can spear at once, and flounder gigging, which is 3 people at once.
This boat has full safety and navigational equipment, which will all help you stay on top of the fish throughout your trip. The wireless trolling motor will help you sneak up on your prey too.
The species you can target are huge and varied, with over 110 different species in the bay alone. Some species that you can expect to see include Red Snapper, Amberjack, Cobia, Speckled Trout, Mutton Snapper, Kingfish, Blacktip Shark, Founder, Tarpon, and even a Mahi Mahi or two.
There are plenty of trips to choose from, so you can find your perfect match and make your vacation truly unforgettable. Capt. Zack also offers many trips that can be completely customized – you decide if you want to fish, snorkel, or even bar hop. Let him know what you want from your day, and he will do everything he can to make sure that happens.
The rods and reels, spearfishing gear, and flounder gigging equipment are all provided. You are welcome to bring along a small cooler for your own food and drink, and water is provided on all trips. Live bait will be provided for you if the trip is 5 hours or less. For trips that are 6 hours and over you will need to purchase live bait.
Book now and have a great day out on the water with Fantasy Ocean Adventure!
Customer reviews
FAQ о Fantasy Ocean Adventures
- US $400 за группу, additional US $25 per person after 3 гостя - 2 Hour – Crab Island & Fishing (2 часа)
- US $600 за группу, additional US $25 per person after 3 гостя - 3 Hour – Bay Trip (3 часа)
- US $1,050 в день за группу - 2 Day Trip – Customizable (2 дня)
- US $1,200 за группу, additional US $50 per person after 3 гостя - 6 Hour – Gulf or Bay (6 часов)
- US $1,200 за группу, additional US $10 per person after 3 гостя - 6 Hour – Night Fishing Adventure (6 часов)
- US $1,600 за группу, additional US $10 per person after 3 гостя - 8 Hour Trip (8 часов)
- US $1,800 за группу - All day fish and play. 12 hours (12 часов)
- Рыболокатор
- Открытый мостик (флайбридж)
- Оборудование для подводного плавания On request
- Бак для наживки
- Беспроводной троллинговый мотор
- Трубы для тунца
- Оборудование для подводной охоты
- Холодильная камера
- Радар
- Удочка, катушка и снасти
- Наживка (6 hour and over trips need to purchase)
- Приманка
- Чистка и разделка рыбы на филе
- Напитки (Water)
- Лицензия на рыбалку
- Рыбалка у береговой линии
- Прибрежная рыбалка
- Рифовая рыбалка
- Рыбалка у затонувших судов
- Рыбалка на мелководье
- Бэккантри рыбалка
- Легкая снасть – рыбалка
- Тяжелая снасть
- Донная рыбалка
- Троллинг
- Спинниг
- Джиггинг
- Дрифтерная рыбалка
- Лов на поддев
- Подводная охота (Min. age 12, 2 can spear at once)
- С острогой на камбалу (Min. age 9, 3 can gig at once)
- Глубоководная рыбалка
- Амберджек
- Кобия
- Корифена (махи-махи)
- Камбала
- Королевская макрель
- Черноперая акула
- Светлый луциан
- Красный луциан (снэппер)
- Крупноголовый луциан
- Пятнистая форель
- Тарпон
Your captain
40 Отзывы клиентов |
Время ответа: в течение часа |
На сайте с: Декабрь 2015 |
The fish you can target
What the boat is like
Which types of fishing are offered
Which fishing techniques you can try
Which amenities are available onboard
What’s included in the trip price
How cancellations work
Клиенты могут бесплатно отменить или изменить бронирование до 7 дней до даты поездки. Если поездка отменена или изменена позже (или в случае неявки), взимается 100% от суммы депозита.
What the listing policies are
How you can pay
Когда капитан/гид подтвердит бронирование, FishingBooker зарезервирует средства на вашей кредитной карте (15%) в качестве депозита для гарантии бронирования.
Оставшуюся часть суммы необходимо оплатить капитану/гиду лично в день рыбалки или заранее. Способы оплаты: